Sponsorship Packages

Please consider reading our Donation Letter.

Inferno Sponsor (Platinum Level)

Business / Donor name + logo on all club game jerseys.

Custom banner on website homepage.

All Gold, Silver, and Bronze sponsor benefits.

Blaze Sponsor (Gold Level)

Sidebar advertisement on all website pages.

Business / Donor Name + Logo included on all club merchandise.

Business logo included in all email blasts.

All Silver and Bronze sponsor benefits.

Ember Sponsor (Silver Level)

Logo / business name on all club marketing materials.

Logo / business name on Team Sponsor banner

  • digitally on site homepage
  • physically on our print banner we bring to competitions
  • held in all team pictures

Business name and link included in all email blasts.

All Bronze Sponsor benefits.

Firestarter Sponsor (Bronze Level)

Logo / business name + url link listed on the Current Sponsors page.

Beta Release